Monday, September 22, 2014

My first "blogging conference" - my personal experience at 'Vienna Fashion Camp for beginners 2014'

Last Saturday I had the opportunity to be part of the Vienna Fashion Camp for 'beginner' , which was organized by Anna Heuberger, Maria Ratzinger and Sophie Burian. The location was in a place where usually people train for working in a hair salon, but it was enough space for about 40 people and had a nice setup including flowers in glas mineral bottles and tons of mini cupcakes.

a perfect match!

you can't keep away the girl from the mirrors

What did we do? Well, I was definitely not the target group of this blogging camp. I am by all means no fashion blogger and I do not care about fashion all that much. Nonetheless, I used the breaks between the various talks to get to know the people around me, find out if they are already blogging or what they want to get out of this conference.
The talk which inspired me the most was held by Sandra Konrad from Girls Guide to Blogging. She talked about how to find the right direction with your blog & how to find more blog readers. When I met her outside in a break, she was really talkative and friendly. When I asked what she misses the most in Australia, when she can't be in Germany, she said: "Of course, friends and family. My parents can't travel that far or are afraid of flying for so long, it's tough. And the Milchschnitte." (Milchschnitte is a sweet cream between to cocoa sponge cake layers.)

In the afternoon there were various workshops and the big group was split up into little teams. I was part of the 'photography basics workshop' held by Cliff from He held a short talk about various tips tricks for photography beginners and then let us experiment on our own in different stations. We should portray a cupcake in front of some flowers, using depth of field. While there were too many people for him to answer all the questions, he still offered to answer questions by mail. I think he was a refreshing photographer from the ones I've met before, very down to earth, nice and funny.

Unfortunately I had to leave early and was missing out on two more talks, one about "nasty comments" and the other one on "social media". Since I am rather a twitter addict, I hope I haven't missed out too much on the other platforms. But there's only so much time you have before you have to run to catch your train to your grandma's birthday ;)

I am really happy about meeting so many different people there and finally "seeing" some Austrian bloggers in real life. Due to my blog being in English only, not beauty or fashion related like the other 90 percent, it's rather rare to find them on my blog. So that was a nice change. Honestly,  I sometimes found it hard to 'mingle' with the fashion bloggers, but that's because I felt extremely underdressed with my jeans, sneakers and t-shirt. But in the end, I forgot about all those stereotypes and made some new friends. Can't wait to see them again!

What did I like about the event? It was really well organized, beautifully decorated and you had enough time to get to know the other bloggers or "beginner bloggers" around you.
What did I miss? I was hoping for some tech geek explaining the pro's and con's of various platforms (including squarespace, tumblr and weebly), as well as find a direction suitable for yourself. Probably that's a topic itself worthy of a conference or self-study.

Some visual impressions for you guys:

the photoshop workshop

where fashion bloggers are, there are amazing coats ;)

Cliff from during the photo workshop

the pretty feet from Ela from
the photography workshop in action ;)

flowers in mineral bottles
my street style #irony ;)

& Let me know in the comments down below: Have you ever taken part in a blogging conference or blogging camp? How was your experience?

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